1. Where they file a demo permit?
West L.A. LADBS office, 1828 Sawtelle Blvd, 2nd floor, Los Angeles CA 90025.
Since the property is a City Historic/Cultural Monument, the Cultural Heritage Commission (CHC) can object to the issuance of a demolition permit for 180 days, with an additional 180 day extension possible upon approval of the City Council, thereby granting up to 360 days stay of demolition in order to evaluate preservation alternatives.
2. What is the Landmark commission process?
Once the demolition permit is applied for, an Environmental Assessment Form (EAF) will be filed by the applicant to begin the EIR process. Preparation of an EIR is typically a 1-2 year plus process. There will be public meetings as part of the EIR process and the Cultural Heritage Commission will also hold hearings if the EIR is certified in order to begin the objection to the demolition permit process. Demolition delay can be up to one year under the Cultural Heritage Commission ordinance. It is possible that the City does not adopt the project alternative that allows demolition, but rather finds that a preservation alternative is feasible.
3. At what points are there public comment?
Public comment is taken at the CHC hearings
4. Who do they contact now if they are pro/con the demo?
Office of Historic Resources, Lambert Giessinger
Office of Councilmember Mike Bonin, Senior Planning Deputies Jason P. Douglas and Len Nguyen,
jason.p.douglas@lacity.org or len.nguyen@lacity.org
5. What is the BHA, BCC and Council Office opinion at this time?
As this is a new issue, none of the entities have weighed in yet.
6. What are the primary reasons they are citing for demo - seismic safety?
Representatives for property owner have indicated it is financially unfeasible to bring the existing Barry Building up to code (seismic and ADA)