Fact Over Fiction On Crime

The subject of crime in our neighborhood is threatening to usurp discussions about traffic, so we want to give a quick update so our members can better understand what is real and what is not.
TRUE - Brentwood, especially BHA territory, still has an extremely low crime rate.
TRUE - There has been in the last six months a rise in home and auto burglaries.
FALSE - There have been dozens of home burglaries and car thefts recently.
TRUE - Burglars often scout your home before they target it and yes, often knock on the door to see if anyone is home. (They do not want a confrontation.)
TRUE - If someone unexpected knocks on your door, you should answer through the door or your phone system, "WE can't come to the door right now." Do not continue the discussion beyond that and do not open the door.
TRUE - You should report suspicious activity to the police if you see something unusual.
FALSE - If you have an alarm, you will be immune from burglaries.
TRUE - If you have an alarm and USE it, you will be a less desirable target. Dogs have also proven to be a deterrent. "Beware of Dog" signs on your side gates is not a bad idea.
TRUE - When leaving on vacation, make sure no packages are ordered for delivery during that period. Have a neighbor or friend check and remove any packages (and mail and newspapers) each day. Do not leave your trash cans out after delivery day.
TRUE - Cars parked in closed garages suffer a near zero history of burglary or theft. Cars parked on the street should be free of items in the passenger compartment. Electronic devices are being used by thieves to duplicate your key "fob" and enter your vehicle silently.
TRUE - Camera systems can act as a deterrent and help you view activity around your house when you are not there.
If you have questions or concerns, or have been the victim of a crime in our area, please do not hesitate to write us. We are here to help.
Non Emergency Police - 877-ASK-LAPD
Emergency 9-1-1 (Seeing someone strange lurking at a neighbors home is worthy of a 911 call.)
Want to see crime history in our neighborhood? Go to CrimeMapping.com.